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请今天登记一个免费帐户并免费刊登广告列表! YouTube Video | Marketing To Chinese AmericansCENSUS DEMOGRAPHICSChinese Americans are a large and growing component of the American community. As of 2008, Chinese Americans continued to be the largest Asian group in the United States, comprising 3.62 million individuals. The Chinese population growth rate was 47.5% from 1990 to 2000. The states with the largest population of Chinese Americans are California, New York, Hawaii, Texas and New Jersey, making up more than 80% of the Chinese American population. California has the largest percentage of Chinese Americans in the U.S. with 40% of all Chinese Americans live in California. Due to China's economic prowess, the importance of the Chinese language itself continues to grow not only in the households of Chinese Americans, but also in many non-Chinese American households. Importantly, 2.5 million people age 5 and older spoke Chinese at home. Chinese is the most widely spoken Asian language in the United States. In 2002, Chinese-owned or Asian Indian-owned businesses made up a whopping 47% of all Asian-owned firms. There were over 286,000 Chinese-owned firms that employed more than 649,100 workers, generating more than $105 billion in revenue. The number of Chinese-owned businesses grew 13.2% between 1997 and 2002. California had the most Chinese-owned firms with 110,823, or 38.7% of the nation's Chinese-owned firms. According to the last census, the median Chinese American household income is $60,058, which represents tremendous purchasing power. Additionally, an estimated 62.8% of all Chinese Americans owned their own homes as of 2004. Consequently, reaching Chinese American consumers can prove to be a very lucrative endeavor. |